Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Most Advanced Disposal System Ever

This post is a ladies post for sure. I honestly never thought that I'd be posting about something like this, but I really couldn't believe what I was seeing when I saw this.

While waiting in Akihabara (秋葉原) one day to meet someone, I found myself in need of the ladies' room. Running up to a book shop where there was one to be found, I went in and proceeded to use the restroom. As I was about to leave I turned to where I had put my bag down behind me (on a shelf) when I noticed the thing in the photo below. I will give you one guess as to what that thing is.

If you guessed a feminine hygiene disposal system, you guessed right. You simply put your garbage in the little tray and it proceeds to essentially eat it up automatically. MOST ADVANCED DISPOSAL SYSTEM EVER. Only in Akihabara would such a thing exist ladies (the Electric Town of Tokyo). I hope I was not the only one who had their mind blown a bit by this. Till next time!

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